Tuesday, April 13, 2010



Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh Gill,
Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) &
All Central Committee Members

Letters in support of Vaisakhi be made a National Holiday

I REFER to the request by Malaysia National Sikh Movement president Tan Sri Darshan Singh and DAP chairman Karpal Singh to declare Vaisakhi a public holiday “Sikhs want national Vaisakhi holiday,” (The Star, April 8).

The over 200,000 Sikhs may be a minority, but they are visible in almost every activity in the country.

The stories of the armed forces and police are incomplete without the mention of the Sikhs.

They were the pioneer policemen in the country and later on played a major role in ensuring peace and security of the nation.

The later generations of mainly lawyers, doctors, engineers and other professionals continued to make significant contributions to the nation.

They also had some outstanding sportsmen who excelled in track and games.

Even from the early days we heard names like Nashatar Singh, Dilbargh Singh Kler and Santokh Singh who made the nation proud at local and international sports meets.

A community that has done so much should be given some acknowledgment.

In 2008, the Government appointed a senator from among the Sikhs in recognition of their contributions and to give them some political representation.

This gesture alone will not embrace the collective emotional, cultural and spiritual sentiments of a community for a long time.

If a religious or culturally significant day is made a holiday, it has considerable effect and meaning to any community.


STAR - Letter section - 13/4/2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

GERAKSIKH requests Government to declare Vaisakhi a National Holiday

PETALING JAYA: Two prominent Sikhs have asked that Vaisakhi Day be made a national holiday.

Malaysia National Sikhs Movement president (GERAKSIKH) Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh and DAP chairman Karpal Singh said such a move would reflect the government’s commitment to recognise all communities equally. This year, Sikhs will celebrate Vaisakhi on Wednesday which coincides with the Tamil new year.

“The Sikhs who arrived earlier in this country served in the security forces and have contributed towards the economic development of Malaysia,” Darshan said in a statement.

Karpal said Vai-sakhi was of considerable significance to Sikhs and the event should be given due consideration by the government.

“Various calls have been made in the past for the government to declare the Hindu and Vaisakhi as national holiday but there has yet to be any positive response,” he said.

He added that if the Government would not declare the Tamil New Year and Vaisakhi a national holiday, he planned to call upon the Pakatan-ruled Penang and Selangor State governments to do so
- STAR, 8/4/2010