Friday, August 31, 2007

GERAKSIKH Greetings on 50 yrs of Malaysia Independance

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) President, Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill today said: “In Malaysia, there are ample opportunities for everyone, so long as one is prepared to work hard.”

Malaysia has achieved tremendous progress and development during the past 50 years. Malaysia with its unique composition being a multiracial, multicultural and multillingualsociety makes it truly great.

With peace, prosperity and harmony among all races has made Malaysia what it is today. There is enough for everyone in this country.

We Malaysian Sikhs together with other communities have been well received in this country. Malaysian Sikhs will support the government in its efforts for country to reach greater heights.

GERAKSIKH would like to congratulate Malaysia and all Malaysians on 50 years of Independance.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Merdeka Hi-Tea for Uni and College Students

NOTICE: The Malaysian United Sikh Students (MUSS) decided to have a Merdeka Hi-Tea in conjunction with the 50 years of our independance.
GERAKSIKH supports the move by MUSS.

The main aim of this Hi-Tea is to enable our Sikh Youths to be united and enjoy the company of our fellow Sikh Brother & Sisters.
Date : 1st September 2007 (Saturday)
Time : 5pm ( Please be on time for registration )
Venue : Sabha House, Bangsar

All College and University Sikh Students are requested to be present on this day as we would be having lots of fun activities for you and at the same time you would be able to meet students from different Higher Learning Institutes.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yet To Register As A Voter? Drop The 'Tidak Apa' Attitude

By Jeswan Kaur
KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 (Bernama) -- There is nothing mysterious why people who are eligible to register as voters are not doing so. The truth of the matter is that it boils down to their 'tidak apa' or 'couldn't care less' attitude.

"It is a case of the young eligible voters having taken things for granted or perhaps they have this attitude that it does not matter whether they cast their vote. Voting to them seems insignificant," said lawyer Tan Sri Darshan Singh who is leading a campaign by the Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (Geraksikh).

Darshan said Geraksikh, a non-governmental organisation set up early this year, will carry out the nationwide campaign; launched early this month (April) with the support of the Election Commission (EC), to 'educate' unregistered voters until the parliament is dissolved for the next general election.

"Malaysians over the age of 21 are eligible to vote and I was told that about 4.9 million Malaysians out there are eligible to vote but have not done so. This is a big number and does not reflect a healthy state of affairs," he lamented to Bernama recently.

Darshan said there was no doubt that the EC was doing its best to deliver the message on why it is important to register as voters and Geraksikh moved in to assist the commission.

"The EC was most receptive and said Geraksikh was the first NGO in the country that has formally enquired how it could help. And we were more than welcomed to assist," he said.


Geraksikh, said Darshan, took on the task of delivering the message throughout the country on the importance of Malaysians registering as voters.

"Originally the concern was localised, i.e. asking the Malaysian Sikhs to register as voters but then the idea grew and when the campaign was launched it called upon not just the Malaysian Sikhs but other Malaysians as well, which just about ropes in all and sundry," he explained.

The Ipoh-based Darshan said that as of March 12 this year 10,248,948 names were on the voters list although the Election Commission records show the existence of 15 million people eligible to vote.

"Geraksikh calls upon all those who have yet to register to do so, now. Bear in mind that there is a window period of three months from the date of registration and to gazette the name. So the sooner you register the better," he added.


Darshan said enquiries and research made by Geraksikh revealed that the majority of those who have yet to register as voters comprised the young Malaysians group."These are those who fall into the 21 to 35 age bracket. And they constitute 70 percent of the 4.9 million who have not yet registered.

"Geraksikh probed further and found that some did not know where to register. While others felt doing so was a very cumbersome process. The information revealed to us that the correct message had not been relayed to the people.

To register, make your way to the post offices or the state Election Commission office. There is nothing tedious about the registration process. It takes a mere five minutes or so. When we told the youngsters about this, they were totally surprised," he explained.

Darshan said there were those who said they were not interested in elections."They gave flimsy excuses like they were busy and lacked the time to justify their delay in registering. This reflects an 'attitude' issue with our youngsters."


Darshan said Geraksikh had written to all Sikh temples (gurdwaras) to make announcements informing Sikhs on how and where to register as voters. "We are also writing to the universities and polytechnics to deliver the message that Geraksikh is here to assist you to register as voters," he added.

As for the 59-year-old Darshan, the endeavours of Geraksikh in reaching out to the people to register as voters served as a deja vu.His first 'encounter' in contributing to the public was in 1986 through the Velodrome Rakyat project.

Darshan has been involved in the cycling sports for over 30 years. Among his feats include being appointed as a member of the management board of the International Cycling Union and is currently the chairman of the Sultan Azlan Shah Track Asia Cup, an Asian-level cycling event.

"Two decades ago metaphorically speaking I was knocking on doors, and with the help of the rakyat and the media, we delivered for Malaysia the first velodrome through public donations. And we aptly called it Velodrome Rakyat.

"Now, after 21 years, I have put on my gear again, but at a different level. In spite of my busy schedule, I have to play my part and meet this new challenge.

"Still in the dark about how or where to register as a voter? Contact Darshan at 012-5017732 or 05-2418177 (office) Amarjit at 012-5008889.-- BERNAMA

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Exclusive Photos at Zee TV Ch 21 Launch.....

We take great pleasure to add some Exclusive Photos which were taken at the Launch of Zee TV Ch 21 New Look New Feel & for the Introduction of Live Telecast from Sri Harminder Sahib, Amritsar daily on 30/7/2007

Ijok by-election

GERAKSIKH officials were also present to give its support to the Barisan candidate, Mr. Parthiban who was contesting the Ijok seat. GERAKSIKH officials and its President Tan Sri Darshan Singh followed in the campaign trail and gave the full backing.
Pic shows: Tan Sri Darshan wishing Parthiban all the best. Looking on are other MIC leaders

A time for rejoicing - Vasakhi

Leaders from different communities cutting the Vasakhi cake

Ipoh, 21 April - In Ipoh, more than 500 people attended the Vasakhi Open House organised by Sikh National Move-ment (Geraksikh) at St John Am-bulance premises on Saturday. The event, held for the first time, saw Sikhs and other communities gathered in a joyous occasion.

Also present were Perak state executive councillor Datuk G. Rajoo representing Menteri Besar of Perak, Secretary General of MCA and Perak MCA chairman Datuk Ong Ka Chuan, Buntong assemblyman Datuk Yik Phooi Hong.

Geraksikh president Tan Sri G. Darshan Singh said despite being a small community, the local Sikhs managed to pool resources and efforts to celebrate Vasakhi with much pride and religious devotion. “The celebration is also a great opportunity for Malaysians to learn about Sikh culture,” he said.

Other communities enjoying the punjabi food


GERAKSIKH Community Medical Camp...

(L-R) Standing. Dr. Jasvinder Singh, Dr. Inderjeet Singh from Ipoh GH and Amarjit Singh Gill observing as a patients eyes are checked

Free check-ups at Medical Camp (reported at Star North Metro)

OVER 200 people flocked to the Community Service Medical Camp at the Buntong Sikh Tem- ple in Ipoh to get free medical check-ups.

The event, organised by the Malaysia National Sikhs Move-ment (GERAKSIKH) and sup- ported by the state Health De-partment, was held in conjunc-tion with the Vasakhi Day cele-brations.

GERAKSIKH secretary-general Amarjit Singh Gill said the people were given free eye check-ups, body mass index checks, blood pressure and diabetic screening tests. “There was also a booth for people to donate blood,” he said, adding that those who attended were also given a talk on organ donation.

Amarjit Singh said several doctors and staff from the Ipoh Hospital took part in the camp. He also said that due to the encouraging response to the event, the movement would organise similar programmes in other towns outside Ipoh.

Nurses having a look at the blood pressure of one of the patient

All waiting patiently for their turn

Making sure their eyes are in good shape

Monday, August 13, 2007


GERAKSIKH Secretary General,
Amarjit Singh Gill

GERAKSIKH Voter Registration Exercise - Some pictures

Pic above : Sikh leaders uniting to get the Voter Registration Exercise for Malaysian Sikhs & Other Malaysians moving

Election Commission Deputy Chairman with GERAKSIKH President putting in a symbolic ballot signalling the official launch of GERAKSIKH Campaign to register Malaysians as voters

Answering to a room full of Press

During Sant Sohan Singh Malacca Barsi in May, 2007, Registration of Voters were carried out with the EC and GERAKSIKH officials. It was a successfull outing as we had people as old as 65 coming to get themselves register as Voters for the very first time.

Voter Registration under way at Kapar, Selangor with EC and GERAKSIKH officials

A Sikh brother getting himself register at Gurdwara Sahib Batu Gajah on 14/4/2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Based on GERAKSIKH's representation made earlier this year, looks like we will be getting Air Asia to fly to Amritsar very soon. It will be a double bonanza for the Sikh Community in Malaysia after the Programmes from Amritsar

Bernama on 17/3/2007 reported as follows:

KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 (Bernama) -- The Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (Geraksikh) today called on the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and AirAsia to introduce flights to the Sikh holy city, Amritsar (India), from Kuala Lumpur.

Its President Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill said the KL-Amritsar sector should have been introduced many years ago as there was demand for the route and thus, can be a profitable sector."

Our neighbours, Singapore Airlines, has successfully operated this route for the past two years and from the records, it is obvious that Singapore Airlines enjoys a very good load factor on this route," he said.

Darshan Singh said MAS had reportedly announced about the sector in 2005 but did not implement it."We will therefore arrange a meeting with MAS Managing Director Idris Jala and Datuk Tony Fernandez of AirAsia to impress them on the importance of this issue," he said.

Darshan Singh said he would also have a meeting with Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy to seek his assistance in convincing the two airlines to introduce the sector.He said currently Malaysians are not only inconvenienced by having to travel to Singapore but also there was a direct loss of revenue to a foreign airline.Darshan Singh, a Sikh community leader, said he had personally experienced that the passengers were placed on waiting list on the Singapore Airlines,Further, passengers from Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and Brunei use Singapore Airlines to fly to Amritsar, he said.

"MAS should take advantage of its good connections to the region by tapping on all these passengers bound for Amritsar," added the Ipoh-based lawyer.-- BERNAMA

On 10/8/2007, Bernama reported Dato' Tony Fernandez, Air Asia CEO saying that "AirAsia X will be also flying to Amritsar by end of this year or even earlier depending on when it will receive its second leased aircraft"


Article from NST on 12/8/2007 on the recent new programmes directly from Sri Harminder Sahib, Amritsar

Sikhs thankful for live prayers from Amritsar

KUALA LUMPUR: The day has been starting differently for many Sikhs nationwide since Aug 1.
They have been switching on their television sets at 7am (4.30am in India) to follow prayers live from the Sri Harmandir Sahib temple in Amritsar. For 30 minutes, they can listen to the reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book, and the singing of kirtans (hymns) in the Qurbani programme.

It has been a dream come true for most who have been longing for the day when they would join their Sikh brethren around the world in prayers at the religion’s holiest shrine.Now they can do so in the comfort of their homes thanks to Astro and Zee TV.

The 100,000 Sikhs nationwide also have one person to thank for helping them fulfil their religious obligations — Tan Sri Darshan Singh.

The Ipoh-based lawyer was instrumental in bringing in the programme which has been aired live in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States for years.

It all began two years ago when Darshan, 59, thought of the possibility of airing the prayers live but realised that a channel was not available over Astro for the purpose.

Things began to take shape when Zee TV began operating last year."It was not easy. It took a while before things started moving but Astro made it so much easier by helping us make this a reality," said Darshan, who undertook the move under the umbrella of GerakSikh.

GerakSikh, the Malaysia National Sikhs Movement, is aimed at helping the Sikhs and other north Indian communities in socio-cultural matters, including registering for the general election.

Darshan thanked Dr C. Rajamani, the head of Astro Indian programmes, for negotiating the airing of the programme with Zee TV.He and Rajamani have also made it possible for Sikhs and fellow Punjabis to unofficially declare Saturday Astro’s "Punjabi" day.

This is because Zee TV has made two slots available for Punjabi speakers — a regular Punjabi movie screened from 11am and a 30-minute cultural show called Shava-Shava from 2pm.

"Punjabi speakers, be they Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims, have only had one Punjabi movie a year so far during the Vaisakhi period (Sikh New Year). Now, they can enjoy one every week.

"Darshan said Punjabi movies may also appeal to North Indians who speak Hindi, a widely-spoken "close cousin".The airing of Punjabi programmes has elicited an overwhelming response from Sikhs around the country with many saying that the programmes were long overdue.

"My 23-year dream to hear prayers live from the Sri Harmandir Sahib have now been realised," said former Malay- sian Gurdwara Council secretary-general Hari Singh who first thought of the possibility when in office in 1984.

His views were echoed by Khalsa Diwan Malaysia president Santokh Singh who thanked GerakSikh for making it possible for Sikhs to start the day with the special prayer."It is truly something wonderful to do so. GerakSikh has made my day."

Amar Singh Sandhu, Sant Sohan Singh Ji Malacca Memorial Society president, said a new chapter had opened in the lives of Malaysian Sikhs with the advent of the programmes

Follow up on Press Report in Bernama on 13/5/2007

IPOH, 13 Mei (Bernama) -- Astro All Asia Network (Astro) disaran memperkenalkan saluran Hindi dan Punjabi dalam rangkaiannya di Malaysia dan rantau ini, kata Presiden Pergerakan Sikh Kebangsaan (GerakSikh) Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill.Dalam mengalu-ngalukan pelancaran sembilan saluran baru, beliau berkata saluran bagi bahasa Hindi dan Punjabi hendaklah dipertimbangkan kerana ia mendapat permintaan yang popular di negara ini."Astro hendaklah memperkenalkan sekurang-kurangnya dua atau tiga saluran berbahasa Hindi dan Punjabi dengan pelbagai program yang kini hanya satu, Zee TV yang tertumpu kepada drama dan program yang diulang," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.Beliau juga berkata banyak saluran boleh dipertimbangkan termasuk ETC Punjabi Channel, Doordarshan TV, Star News - 24 Hours Hindi News Channel, Star Gold dan Star Plus."Memang kita gembira dengan rancangan untuk rakyat Malaysia berbahasa Tamil kita, Astro Vaanavil, Sun TV dan dua program baru lain yang baru diperkenalkan di samping beberapa rancangan di RTM dan TV3,Darshan Singh berkata rakyat di negara jiran seperti Indonesia, Thailand dan di rantau ini juga menikmati pelbagai saluran yang menarik.Jika Astro akan memperkenalkan satu pakej khas, untuk program istimewa ini, mereka yakin bahawa bukan hanya masyarakat Sikh atau Punjabi tetapi bangsa lain juga yang menikmati program Hindi akan mengambil pakej ini, kata beliau.Astro yang telah melancarkan Satelit Measat 3 yang baru, memang sepatutnya mempertimbangkan permintaan ini dalam pelancaran program barunya akan datang."Saya akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Astro (CEO) Ralph Marshall untuk menekankan tentang keuntungan projek ini. Dengan pelancaran saluran baru ini, bukan hanya rakyat Malaysia keturunan Sikh tetapi penduduk Malaysia yang ramai akan menikmati program Hindi dan Punjabi dan mengalu-ngalukan cadangan ini," katanya.