Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ijok by-election

GERAKSIKH officials were also present to give its support to the Barisan candidate, Mr. Parthiban who was contesting the Ijok seat. GERAKSIKH officials and its President Tan Sri Darshan Singh followed in the campaign trail and gave the full backing.
Pic shows: Tan Sri Darshan wishing Parthiban all the best. Looking on are other MIC leaders


Anonymous said...

Is Geraksikh a political party?


GERAKSIKH is a non-governmental organisation focussing on helping the Sikh Community in general. We will be opening our official website soon and once its officially out, we will certainly publish it so that you have the benefit to view it.

Anonymous said...

I think Geraksikh is a political party focusing on making its president more famous..

What have Geraksikhs done for the Sikh Comminity..

Please list down if you have done any...?

Anonymous said...

What have Geraksikhs done for the Sikh Comminity

I am surprise to read a comment of an anonymous who asks what has geraksikh done for the sikhs in malaysia.. I think if at all, the geraksikh has done what most ppl just talk about.. they have walked the talk.

with geraksikhs help, we are lucky now see daily live programme from sri harminder sahib. we get to see the programme daily.. those sikh families who cannot afford to go to amritsar have an opportunity to see the Golden temple live at the comfort of their homes. i think geraksikh has walked the talk. Our older generation are so overwhelmed that they just cannot believe their eyes.

geraksikh president i believe as was reported wrote to air asia and MAS many months ago for the possibility of routing to amritsar... with Waheguru di Kirpa, this dream will come true very soon.

it has been reported in the paper, that they did a campaign to get malaysian sikhs to register as voter.. i for one registered myself as a voter when they brought the booth to Tatt Khalsa Gurdwara during vasakhi day. i would have never bothered but when i see such a conceeted effort, you just cannot stay quiet, i had to go and gave my IC card and registered myself. it was an accomplishment of geraksikh and of the far sightedness of its president, Tan Sri Darshan Ji who made this fine efforts.. the list can carry on and on..

and if now you still ask, what have geraksikh done for the sikhs, then either you are totally blacked out from the malaysian updates news or you are just one of the detractors who cannot see a sikh fellow brother doing something for the sikh community.