Friday, December 30, 2011

Hong Kong Sikhs follows GERAKSIKH's lead

Mr. Batra Gulbir Singh of Hong Kong wrote to Secretary General of GERAKSIKH and informed as follows:  (extract of the email is attached):

"Respected S. Amarjit Singh Ji Gill,

...Wish you and all members of your family good health and prosperity in year 2012 and beyond.

Another news I wish to share with you is that encouraged by the book, .....we too have intiated the process of publishing of a book   SIKHS IN HONG KONG  and may be, by  Vaisakhi 2012, we shall be able to release to the Sikh Sangat.  It will be my cherished desire to send to you a copy of that for your reference and record.

Rab Rakha

Thanks and Regards
Batra Gulbir Singh.
Hong Kong."

Cover Book of Sikh Community in Malaysia
GERAKSIKH is pleased to note that by us publishing the Book 'Sikh Community in Malaysia', it has also encouraged other Sikh Organisation like in Hong Kong to also publish a book on Sikhs in their respective country. 

We wish them all the best and look forward to seeing the end product of their book' Sikhs in Hong Kong'

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GERAKSIKH at United Nations AOC Forum

GERAKSIKH is happy to announce that its voice will be heard and will be represented at the United Nations Alliance of Civilization Forum to be held at Doha, Qatar from 9th to 13th December, 2011.
Publish Post

Dato' Amarjit Singh Gill, the Secretary General of GERAKSIKH, who was the Secretary of Unesco Youth Forum Advisory Committee has been invited to attend the said Forum and to share his views on related subject matter which will be discussed.

At the same time, Ranjit Gill, a member of Geraksikh has also been invited to attend the Youth walk and also attend the Youth Forum which will be held concurrently during the said forum.

The UN Doha Forum will provide the opportunity for all – governments, civil society organizations, NGO's  and international agencies alike – to meet together as partners to further reiterate commitment to building a culture of peace and dialogue among civilization.

Updates from the forum will be posted.  Do check out or

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Guru's Relic Displayed

Relics in Display

Prof. Baba Nirmal Singh who is the descendant of Baba Buddha Ji (the first Granthi of Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar) was in Malaysia and during his visit displayed the Relics that belonged to Baba Buddha Ji which were used by the Sikh Guru's including Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji upto Sri Hargobind Singh Ji.

Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) Secretary General, Dato' G. Amarjit Singh Gill arranged for the display of the items.

Prof Baba Nirmal Singh explaining the Significance of the Relic to GERAKSIKH Secretary General, Dato' G. Amarjit Singh Gill in Ipoh recently
During the display Prof Baba Nirmal Singh explained to Dato' Amarjit Singh and others the significance of the items displayed and its historical values.

GERAKSIKH would like to thank Prof Baba Nirmal Singh for sharing the relic's used by our Sikh Gurus to the sangat.  

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Unity Youth Programme

Attention: To all Sikh youths age 18-25,
Jemputan untuk mengikuti Kem Integrasi Belia 2011 Anjuran Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional pada 6hb Dis (Selasa)  hingga 12 Disember 2011 di Kem Melaka Tropical fruit Farm, Sungai Udang, Melaka,
1. Menggalakkan Kerjasama dan Semangat Kerja berpasukan bagi Interaksi dan komunikasi perbagai kaum.
2. Memupuk semangat patriotisme, membina daya kepimpinan dan keyakinan diri.
3. Memberi pendedahan adat resam, budaya, bahasa, agama dan nilai nilai positif setiap kaum.
4. Mendapat pandangan dan cadangan penglibatan belia bagi memperkukuhkan jalinan hubungan dan semangat muhibah kalangan generasi muda.
Application open to ONLY 5 SIKH youths and all expenses fully paid by Jabatan Perpaduan Negara.
Please email your name, ic no, address and email before 25th November 2011 to SIKH WELFARE SOCIETY MALAYSIA

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Allocation for the Sikh Community

Perak Budget 2012 was unveiled on 21/11/2011 during the State Assembly Meeting of Perak.  Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) was invited by the Secretary of the Assembly to attend the State Assembly seating to witness the unveiling of the Budget by the Chief Minister of Perak, Dato' Seri Dr. Zambry Abd. Kadir.

GERAKSIKH Secretary General, Dato' G. Amarjit Singh Gill attended the said State Assembly Meeting on 21/11/2011.  During the reading of Budget, the Chief Minister once again announced for the year 2012, an allocation of RM 500,000 for the Sikh Community for its activities.

This allocation only shows the spirit of 1Malaysia is alive and by making sure that all communities are taken care off including the Sikhs.  Well Done & Syabas.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Register as Voter NOW

GERAKSIKH urge all youths to exercise their right by registering as a Voter. Registration can be done at any Election Commission of Malaysia's state office or at any post office. Simply bring along your IC card together with your own self to register. The whole process only takes less than 5 minutes. Exercise your democratic right NOW!!

GERAKSIKH undertook a project in 2007 to get Malaysians to register as Voters. This project was conducted together with Election Commission of Malaysia. This project was continued until the general election was called in 2008.

Once again, it is no secret that the General Election will take place any time soon, possibly in the 1st quarter of 2012. Therefore, exercise your rightful right as a Malaysian NOW!

For any information, you may call GERAKSIKH at 0125008889 and we will be glad to assist you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

GERAKSIKH President gets BrandLaureate Most Eminent ICON Leadership Award 2011

Kuala Lumpur: Sports and Community leader, Tan Sri Darshan Singh received the BrandLaureate Most Eminent ICON Leadership Award 2011 presented by Asia Pacific Brands Foundation (APBF) President, Dr. KK Johan (right) at Mandarin Oriental Hotel recently.

Darshan Singh is currently the President of Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH). Lawyer, Darshan Singh is the former President of Asian Cycling Confederation and Management Board member of International Cycling Union (UCI). He mooted the idea and was a prime mover to build the first Velodorme in the country called Velodrome Rakyat in Ipoh.

Currently, Darshan is the Vice President of International Skateboarding Federation and the Vice President of the Asian Extreme Sports Federation (AXF).

Courtesy: BERNAMA

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gurpurab 2011: Celebrating the Birthday of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Sikh tradition celebrates the coming of Guru Nanak on this day, 542 years ago, as the descending of Divine Light on Earth to dispel the mist and fog of spiritual ignorance in an age of darkness (Kali Yug). Nanak's appearance was to be the beginning of a new way (Panth) that was to crystalize into what we know as Sikhi or the Sikh religion.

Sikhs will celebrate Nanak's birth, as they have always done, with much fanfare. As a symbolic gesture, their homes will be lit. Taking a cue from traditions that Nanak started, they will gather in congregations across the world and sing hymns of praise to God and share with others the fruit of their labors by organizing community kitchens.

Much of what we know about Nanak, the person, comes from traditional sources called Janam Sakhis (literally, birth stories), folklore and oral traditions. The picture of Nanak in the popular conscious is best captured in a ditty, sung even today and describes him thus, "Nanak is the King of Saints! A Guru to the Hindu and Pir to the Mussalman." The image of a spiritual guide and teacher, universally revered by members of faiths that were otherwise antagonistic, is reinforced by accounts of the quarrel that broke out between Hindus and Muslims over his last rites, with each side claiming him to be one of their own. Two monuments honor his memory in Kartarpur (Pakistan) -- one built by Hindus and the other erected by Muslims.

Nanak was born in 1469, in Talwandi, now Nankana Sahib in present day Pakistan, and died in 1539. The turning point in Nanak's life came when he was around 30 and employed as a book keeper at the royal granary in Sultanpur. By his own account, recorded in Sikh scripture, he received the divine call, and was ushered into the holy presence, "The Lord called me, an unemployed minstrel, to His service. The Master called his minstrel and placed the Robe of Honor to sing true praises."

Nanak's experience of the Divine is captured in the creedal statement of the Sikh Scripture. It begins with the use of an alpha numeric, Ik Oankar to symbolize the One Ultimate Reality, which is both immanent and transcendent.

The use of an alpha numeric illustrates Nanak's extensive use of conventional form -- language, concepts, terms and poetic forms -- from the tradition of his birth. But by investing them with new meaning and providing a new context, he transcends his inheritance.

By affixing a numeral "1," to the traditional representation of the Hindu trinity, "Oankar," he swept aside, in one stroke, the traditional conglomeration of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Instead, Nanak pointed to the One, "Ik", as alone being worthy of worship.

This One is both immanent and transcendent and is accessible -- although ultimately unknowable -- to one and all through Naam (literally, Name). Naam is the central doctrine in Nanak's teachings, being "the only fixture in Guru Nanak's house." It comes wrapped in manifold layers of meaning, usage and nuance that cuts across linguistics, philosophy and mystical symbolism.

For our purposes, suffice to say that Naam represents both the creative essence of God as existence as well as the means and methodology for individual salvation.

"The medium is the message," is a phrase Marshal McLuhan coined to express the idea that the medium embeds itself in the message. Nanak's use of music and poetry as a medium to teach and share is a classic example: his commission was to sing true praises to an unknowable God, which suggests the use of a more redolent and rapturous medium than the usual didactic or moralizing discourse -- precisely because Nanak's experience of the Divine was as one that is beyond ordinary religious definition, Hindu or Muslim.

Not surprisingly, the Sikh Scripture that emerged in Sikh tradition -- compiled by the fifth Nanak, Arjan and invested with the status of Guru by the 10th Nanak, Gobind -- is a collection of sublime poetry arranged to music. It is 1430 pages long and a scripture of song and praise, because it the ecstasy and devotion of music that is the most appropriate vehicle to approach a God who is ultimately unknowable, a God who cannot be confined by religious boundaries but can be celebrated by hymns of praise.

For almost 30 years, Nanak travelled incessantly across India, to Tibet, and to Baghdad and Mecca. He met people of all religions in stations, in the village square, the street corner, the bazaar or somebody's home, speaking to them in their language.

Whether it was at Hardwar, showing the pilgrims the futility of offering water to ancestors or at Mecca, asking the Qazi to point his legs where God was not, Nanak's logic was irrefutable and his sincerity and unbounded love enough to melt any opposition.

These learning and transforming moments were brought about, not through dogma or debate or the angry waiving of Scripture, or in a formalized teacher-pupil setting.

Nanak changed the protagonists by interacting with them in informal daily settings, in the very ordinariness of life. He did not question their sincerity but simply caused them to question their own beliefs.

That was the genius of Nanak.

The fundamental truth of Nanak is conveyed in the opening verse of Sikh Scripture where he questions the prevailing modes of religious formalism and ritual, warning us that no ritual, undertaken for its own sake will bring fulfillment. All religious paraphernalia, is unavailing if not accompanied by an inner sense of submission and surrender to the Divine Will (Hukam).

We require, then, not so much an alternative set of praxis (practice), or exclusive focus on religious ritual, but a different paradigm or way of looking at life -- one that requires an expansion of our consciousness that is guided by a sense of Holy in all human activity.

Our lives, then, must reflect the qualities of this timeless, eternal Being in whom we are anchored: we must be creative, fearless and without malice as we go about the business of our life.

Lets sing songs of praise with Nanak.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

GERAKSIKH Message on 54 Years of Malaysia's Independance

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) President, Tan Sri Dato' Seri G. Darshan Singh today said: “In Malaysia, there are ample opportunities for everyone, so long as one is prepared to work hard.”

Malaysia has achieved tremendous progress and development during the past 54 years. Malaysia with its unique composition being a multiracial, multicultural and multillingualsociety makes it truly great.

With peace, prosperity and harmony among all races has made Malaysia what it is today. There is enough for everyone in this country.

We Malaysian Sikhs together with other communities have been well received in this country. Malaysian Sikhs will support the government in its efforts for country to reach greater heights.

GERAKSIKH would like to congratulate Malaysia and all Malaysians on 54 years of Independance

Monday, June 6, 2011

KMN Award for GERAKSIKH Secretary General

Dato' Amarjit Singh Gill was awarded the Darjah Kesatria Mangku Negara (KMN) by His Majesty, Yang DiPertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin in Conjunction with His Majesty's Official Birthday Celebration on 4th June, 2011.

Dato' Amarjit Singh, a Ipoh Lawyer is also the Secretary of Malaysian Consumers Association and an UCI Anti Doping Inspector. He also served as Secretary of the UNESCO Youth Forum Advisory Committee from 2007.

Congratulations and Syabas.


High Commission of India
Kuala Lumpur

The High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur has authorized M/s VFS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd to undertake outsourcing of passport and other consular services in Malaysia with effect from 1 June 2011. Accordingly, the Passport and Other Consular Services Application Centre (PCSAC) operated by M/s VFS will commence its operations on 1st June, 2011 in Kuala Lumpur.

2. Following services will be offered by PCSAC operated by M/s VFS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd in Kuala Lumpur:

(a) Passport Services
i) Issue of a new passport
ii) Re-issue of passports
iii) New passports in lieu of lost of Passport and damaged passport cases
iv) Change of personal particulars on the passport
v) Change of appearance (applicant to visit the High Commission for physical verification).
vi) Cancellation of passports
vii) Endorsement of ECNR

(b) Other Consular Services
i) Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
ii) Marriage Certificate
iii) Birth Certificate
iv) NRO certificate
v) Attestation of Driving License
vi) Attestation of Affidavit for obtaining child passport in India
vii) Endorsement of ECNR
viii) Attestation of Power of Attorney/ legal documents

3. The applications for above listed Passport and Other Consular Service will received at Passport and Other Consular Services Application Centre (PCSAC) at the following address on all working days (Monday to Friday) except public holidays from 0830 hrs to 1430 hrs

M/s VFS Sdn Bhd, Suite 19-03, Floor 9,
Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: +6032164159

4. Processing time and collection
· Passports – Collection between 1500 hrs and 1700 hrs on the 4th working day from date of submission of application at PCSAC. However, after seven working days, if passport is not collected by the applicant from PCSAC, then he/she has to collect the same from the High Commission of India, No. 2 Jalan Taman Duta, off Jalan Duta, 50480, Kuala Lumpur.

Lost Passports/Damaged passports in normal cases will be delivered between 1630 hrs and 1730 hrs on all working days at the High Commission only after 30 days of receipt of applications.

· Other Consular Services- Collection between 1500 hrs and 1700 hrs on 3rd working day from date of submission at the PCSAC. However in case the passport was not issued in Kuala Lumpur, issue of the Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) may take up to four weeks.

5. All agents and company’s authorized representatives will submit their respective applications at PCSAC operated by M/s VFS ONLY.

6. Diplomatic and Official passports applications will continue to be received at the High Commission as per the established procedure between 0930 hrs and 1200 hrs on all working days.

Note: Applications for Visa Services in Kuala Lumpur will continue to be received ONLY at India Visa Centre located at G-01, Straits Trading Building
No.2, Lebuh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur.

Congratulations to Member who received award from DYMM Sultan of Perak

GERAKSIKH Congratulates its GERAKSIKH Central Committee Member who were awarded the following awards in conjunction with the DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah 83rd Birthday Celebration on 19th April, 2011. They are:

1) Manjit Singh Gill - Darjah Paduka Mahkota Perak (PMP)
2) T. Jaswinder Singh - Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (PJK)

We wish them all the best and success in all their undertakings. We also wish them to work even harder for the community.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

1Malaysia Vaisakhi Open House 2011 - 2/5/2011 at Dataran Merdeka, KL

Najib: 1Malaysia unites the race

KUALA LUMPUR: The 1Malaysia concept is not an empty Govern-ment slogan but a symbol of racial unity and patriotism, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The Prime Minister said he trusted that the 1Malaysia approach would achieve its goal despite what some parties said.

“I'm confident Malaysians will strive with me to realise the 1Malaysia vision,” he said in his speech at the 1Malaysia Vaisakhi Open House 2011 with the Sikh community at Dataran Merdeka here yesterday.

Najib drew loud applause when he said Aap Sabh Nu Vaisakhi Di Lakh Lakh Wadaayi Howey (Happy Vaisakhi Day to all) in the Gurmukhi language.

“The Sikh people are known for being brave, loyal and hardworking. I thank them for their contributions in the formation of our country,” he said.

The event, which is of immense religious significance and organised by the National Sikh Youth Organisation, attracted 20,000 people, including tourists.

Even the downpour at 6pm did not dampen their mood as they enjoyed family activities, bhangra performances, entertainment from local artistes and Punjabi cuisine.

Housewife Gurvinder Kaur Kumar, 48, said she was thrilled to spend the special day with the community.

Senior manager Harnarinder Singh, 56, said the 1Malaysia vision looked to be a tall order but was definitely achievable.

“The Government has a critical role in ensuring that all aspects of its administration and machinery reflect a true Malaysian identity,” he said.

Also present at the event was Najib's wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and Malaysian National Sikhs Movement (Geraksikh) President Tan Sri Darshan Singh.
TheStar, 3/5/2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1 Malaysia Vaisakhi Open House 2011


2nd May 2011 (Monday – Labour Day Holiday)

3pm – 8pm at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur

In attendance : Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak

Do bring in along your family members and make this event a Success.

Organised by Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia with the support of Malaysian Gurdwaras Council & all Sikh Organisations

GOLDKARTZ Launches '24 Karaatz' globally and bring new twist to Bhangra Music

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Two Sikh brothers nicknamed "Malaysia's Bhangra Ambassadors" are trying to become international hit-makers in Punjabi dance music with the help of stars from Britain and India.

The duo officially known as Goldkartz have released an album that is the first serious attempt by a Southeast Asian bhangra recording act to cross over to foreign markets. The CD, titled "24 Karaatz," was launched simultaneously last Friday in Malaysia, Britain, India and other countries.

"We are a fresh product for the bhangra scene," Goldkartz member Manjit Singh Gill said in an interview this week. "We have something different to offer, coming far from the hub of bhangra."

Modern bhangra blends hip-hop, electronic and rock rhythms with centuries-old sounds of Punjabi singing, traditional drums and string instruments. Its popularity grew in Britain in the 1980s after many Punjabis migrated there.

Goldkartz's album features collaborations with well-known vocalists, composers and producers in bhangra and Indian music, including Rishi Rich and Mumzy Stranger from Britain and Shankar Mahadevan of India.

But the brothers insist their mostly self-composed work remains distinctive because their singing is infused with Malaysian cadences unfamiliar to bhangra fans. The novelty of being a bhangra act that isn't from Europe or India could also help, they add.

Manjit, 26, and his 22-year-old brother, Sukhjit Gill Singh, are an anomaly even in Malaysia, a Muslim-majority nation where Sikhs number fewer than 150,000 people in a population of 28 million.

In 2008, Goldkartz became the first group to release a Malaysian-made bhangra album, selling 5,000 CDs in a modest success.

"It was a passion project," Manjit said. "We had been listening to bhangra from other countries for years."

Their second album was built with a worldwide audience in mind, recorded over 18 months as Manjit and Sukhjit juggled time between the studio and their occupations as a lawyer and law student respectively. They also honed their craft by singing in Malaysian clubs and at concerts in Australia, Canada, Indonesia and Singapore.

Goldkartz's songs highlight themes about romance and having fun. The chorus of their lead single, "Ha Karde," translates as "Darling, just tell me yes once, and let's love each other tonight."

Top bhangra record companies in Britain and India are distributing the album, which was launched at a ceremony in Kuala Lumpur by the prime minister's wife. The brothers, who have performed music together since they were teenagers, plan to tour soon to promote the CD

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tan Sri Darshan: Segerakan Siasatan

KUALA LUMPUR 18 Jan - Kerajaan diminta menyegerakan siasatan terhadap kes seorang pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) berketutunan Sikh di Pulau Pinang yang mendakwa rambutnya dipotong kelmarin.

Presiden, Pergerakan Kebangsaan Sikh Malaysia (GERAKSIKH), Tan Sri G. Darshan Singh berkata, perkara itu perlu bagi menjaga keharmonian kaum serta mengekalkan keyakinan masyarakat berkenan terhadap PLKN

Menurutnya yang juga seorang Peguam, bagi Masyarakat Sikh perbuatan menyimpan rambut merupakan salah satu daripada lima perkara yang wajib dilakukan seperti larngan memakan daging babi bagi umat Islam.

"PLKN tidak seharunya dijejaskan dengan insiden seumpama ini kerana program itu amat baik bagi golongan belia mempelajari nilai nilai moral dan membina kekutan fizikal dan mental.

:Justeru saya meminta lebih 100,000 masyarakat Sikh di negara ini bertenang dan menyerahkan siasatan kes berkenan kepada pihak berkuasa tanpa menimbulkan sebarang insiden yang tidak diingini," katanya

Utusan, 19/1/2011

NTV7 News Clip (18/1/2011) on Sikh boy's Hair Cut in NS Camp

Courtesy: SNSMMediaCrew

Utusan: Kecewa rambut anak digunting

IPOH 18 Jan. – Seorang bapa kepada pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) berketurunan Sikh kecewa selepas rambut anak sulungnya dipotong sewaktu dia tidur di Kem Seri Impian Sungai Bakap, Pulau Pinang pada Ahad lalu.

Surinderpal Singh, 46, memohon supaya pihak berkuasa menyiasat perkara tersebut kerana ia didakwa menyalahi undang-undang kebebasan beragama meskipun ia dipercayai angkara perbuatan nakal.

Anaknya, Basant Singh, 18, bekas pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) St. Michael di sini mendakwa rambutnya dipotong sepanjang kira-kira 50 hingga 60 sentimeter selepas bangun daripada tidur pada pukul 6.30 pagi di Dorm 5 kem berkenaan.

Malah, anaknya yang juga bekas Presiden Persatuan Sikh di sekolah lamanya itu tidak lagi berhasrat untuk meneruskan program tersebut meskipun diberi tempoh seminggu oleh komandan kem untuk bercuti sehingga 23 Januari ini.

“Rambut adalah simbol utama dalam kepercayaan Sikh dan ia adalah pemberian tuhan yang dihadiahkan oleh nabi kami.

“Saya mempercayai PLKN sebelum ini, malah anak saya sememangnya bersungguh-sungguh mahu untuk menyertai program tersebut. Namun, setelah kejadian ini, dia menjadi takut dan tidak mahu lagi kembali ke sana,” katanya .

Dia berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar yang turut dihadiri isterinya, Swaran Kaur serta sebahagian besar penganut Sikh di sini hari ini.

Dalam pada itu, Basant yang mendaftar program tersebut pada 4 Januari lalu berkata, kem berkenaan buat pertama kalinya mengambil pelatih dari Ipoh untuk tahun ini.

Dia berkata, 10 lagi peserta kem tersebut yang berkongsi bilik dengannya terdiri daripada enam pelatih Melayu, tiga Cina dan seorang India.

“Sebelum tidur, saya telah melonggarkan serban kepala. Saya terkejut apabila rambut saya dipotong dan terus menghubungi ayah. Laporan polis dibuat pada hari sama saya dibawa pulang ke Ipoh.

“Namun saya tidak mengesyaki ia perbuatan rakan-rakan sebilik kerana mereka turut bersimpati dengan kejadian tersebut,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Swaran berkata, dia tidak menyalahkan mana-mana pihak tetapi begitu sedih kerana sebelum ini, anaknya begitu gembira mengikuti program tersebut sehingga insiden tersebut berlaku.

“Saya menyimpan rambut anak saya sejak lahir sehingga ia berusia 18 tahun ketika ini. Saya tidak dapat menerima perkara ini,” katanya sambil menitiskan air mata.

Sementara itu, Komandan Kem Sri Impian Sungai Bakap, Mejar Shamsudin Abdul Aziz ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia berkata, kes tersebut kini telah diserahkan untuk siasatan pihak polis.

Menurut beliau, selepas kejadian tersebut, satu pemeriksaan mengejut telah dijalankan terhadap semua pelatih tetapi pihaknya tidak menemui sebarang alatan seperti gunting yang sememangnya dilarang untuk dibawa masuk ke kem tersebut.

Malah katanya, pihak Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara tidak pernah sesekali mengeluarkan arahan supaya pelatih berketurunan Sikh dipotong rambutnya.

Beliau turut berkata, bagi memastikan keselamatan pelatih, terdapat pengawal yang ditugaskan melakukan rondaan selama 24 jam selain enam jurulatih yang bertugas pada setiap hari.

“Di kem ini, terdapat dua lagi pelatih berketurunan Sikh dan daripada kesemua 306 pelatih yang ada di sini, 305 daripadanya tidak pernah mengadu apa-apa.

“Saya tidak mahu menuduh sesiapa kerana kita tidak mempunyai sebarang bukti,” katanya

By Kairul Abidin Nua, Utusan 19/1/2011

NST: Sikh teen claims hair was cut in Camp

IPOH: An 18-year-old Sikh youth's start to National Service at the Kem Sri Impian in Sungai Bakap, Kedah, got off on the wrong foot after some pranksters cut his hair, which he had grown since birth.
Basant Singh woke up on Sunday morning to find his hair shorter by 60cm, believed to have been snipped off while he was asleep.

In his police report, Basant said that incident happened between 3am and 6.30am.

"I called my father and relayed the incident to him. He came to the camp and we met the camp commandant and related the incident to him.

"He gave my father permission to take me home for a week but told me to report back to the camp on Jan 23," he said when met at his residence at the Wadda Gurdwara Sahib here yesterday. His parents Surinderpal Singh and Swaran Kaur, both 46, were also present.

Basant, however, was adamant he would not return to the NS camp in Sungai Bakap.

"I am angry and hurt. I've never shaven my hair since birth but some cowards thought they could have fun at my expense.

"I had been looking forward to the National Service stint and was excited when I boarded the bus. But now, I don't want to set foot into the camp as I don't feel safe there."

(Adherents of the Sikh faith, both men and women, are required to keep their head, bodily and facial hair unshaven until their death.)

"This incident leaves a bad taste and I want the authorities to investigate and take action against those who transgressed my son's religious rights," said Surinderpal.

"My family and I are not pointing fingers at anyone but I plead to all Malaysians to ensure that religious rights are respected and that we can live in harmony. That is my wish for this country and my family," said Swaran.

Chairman of the Union of Perak Sikh Organisations Dheer Singh urged all quarters not to politicise or turn the matter into a racial issue.

"I understand the hurt felt by the Sikh community and I believe that other communities share our feelings but this is not the time to champion the community's problems by issuing fiery or provoking statements.

In Putrajaya, National Service Training Department director-general Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang Kechil said preliminary investigations found no evidence that Basant's hair had been cut as claimed.

This included the absence of hair around Basant's bed as well as knives of scissors in the dorm.

Nevertheless, the department would conduct a two-week investigation, led by its operations director Col Sanusi Hashim.

"If there is any wrongdoing, we will take action," Hadi said, adding that the management was well aware of the practices of various religions.

Hadi said if the claim was indeed true, the guilty party would be "advised" to respect the various religious customs.

In Nibong Tebal, Sri Impian National Service Camp commandant Maj Shamsudin Abdul Aziz said the incident could have been the work of mischievous trainees at the camp.

He said camp officials had conducted a search at the camp dormitories after the matter was highlighted by Basant's parents during their visit on Sunday and they discovered a pair of scissors in a separate dormitory block.

He stressed that sharp objects, including scissors, were banned from the camp and they were investigating how it ended up at the dormitory.

NST, 19/1/2011 By Jaspal Singh, Sean Augustin, Adie Suri Zulkefli
Pic by: Ikhwan Munir
Read more: Sikh teen claims hair was cut in camp

Scholarships for Courses in Traditional Systems of Medicine in India for 2011-12 Academic Session

The Government of India has announced twenty (20) Scholarships for Malaysian students to pursue courses in Traditional System of Medicine in India during the academic year 2011-12 following the visit of Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh in October 2010.

2. High Commission of India welcomes applications from interested Malaysian nationals who wish to pursue courses in Traditional System of Medicine in India from the academic year 2011-12 onwards. The number of seats available under each course is appended below:

(i) Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)- 11
(ii) Bachelor of Siddha Medicine & Sciences (BSMS) - 5
(iii) Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery (BUMS) - 2
(iv) Bachelor of Homeopathy Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)- 2

Names of Colleges for BAMS:

(1)Rajiv Gandhi, PG Govt. College, Paprola, Himachal Pradesh - 1 seat
(2)Government Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhatisgarh - 1 seat
(3)Government Ayurved College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 1 seat
(4)Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyala, Pune, Maharashtra - 1seat
(5)Government Ayurved College, Patna, Orissa - 1seat
(6)Government Ayurved College, Tripunithura, Kerala - 1seat
(7)Shri Dharmashala Ayurvedic College, Udupi, Karnataka - 1seat
(8)Government Ayurved College, Tiruananthapuram, Kerala - 1seat
(9)Choudhary Braham Prakash Ayurvedic College Delhi - 2 seats
(10)Rajiv Gandhi Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital
Mahe, Puduchery, Tamil Nadu - 1seat

Names of Colleges for BSMS:

(1)Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 3 seats
(2) Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu - 2 seats

Names of College for BUMS:

(1) Aligarh Muslim University (AMU),Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh - 2 seats

Names of College for BHMS:

(1) National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata, West Bengal – 2seats

3. The application forms for this Scholarships are available with the Education Section at the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur (Telexfax: 03 2092 2339, Tel:03 2093 3510 ext 410, Email: The ICCR application form can also be downloaded from the Mission’s website (

4. The candidates should meet the following selection criteria: (i) the candidate should have the eligibility to apply for the course (ii) should be proficient in English and (iii) should not have any serious health problems.

5. Please also note that no airfare will be provided under this scheme. The scholarship provides for Tuition fee, Living Allowance, Contingent Grant, House rent Allowance and Medical benefits.

6. Interested candidates may fill in the prescribed proforma and forward to Education Section, High Commission of India, No.2, Jalan Taman Duta, Off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. The last date of receipt of application by the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur is 21 February 2011.

Sent by Indian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur on 17/1/2011

GERAKSIKH urge Sikh Students who are interested to kindly apply. After filling up of the neccessary forms and submission, do let us have a copy so that GERAKSIKH can on its end follow up with the Indian High Commission, KL. Kindly contact via