Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Manmohan bangga Pencapaian Etnik India Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR 25 Okt. - Perdana Menteri India, Manmohan Singh melahirkan rasa bangga dengan pencapaian serta sumbangan yang diberikan oleh kaum India di negara ini.

Perkara itu disampaikan pemimpin tersebut kepada Presiden Pergerakan Kebangsaan Sikh Malaysia (Geraksikh), Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill ketika kedua-dua mereka mengadakan pertemuan di New Delhi, baru-baru ini.

Menurut Darshan, Manmohan tidak ketinggalan mengikuti perkembangan rakyat Malaysia berketurunan India di sini termasuk komuniti Sikh yang berjumlah 100,000 orang.

"Beliau turut menunjukkan minat tinggi terhadap perkara-perkara yang menyentuh tentang kemajuan Malaysia, khususnya berkaitan masyarakat India yang telah bermigrasi ke negara ini.

"Begitu juga kepada masyarakat Sikh yang bilangannya cukup kecil. Kami boleh diibaratkan seperti 'minoriti dalam minoriti.' Meskipun begitu, kami tetap setia dan akan bersama membantu kemajuan negara,'' katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia sempena kunjungan rasmi Manmohan ke Kuala Lumpur, Rabu ini.

Dalam kunjungan itu nanti, Manmohan bersama Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dijangka merasmikan projek 'Little India' di Brickfields.

Mengulas lanjut Darshan berkata, dalam pertemuan bersama Manmohan di India, beliau berpeluang menghadiahkan pemimpin itu sebuah buku berjudul 'Sikh Community in Malaysia'.

Buku setebal 270 muka surat dalam bahasa Inggeris itu merupakan tulisan beliau sendiri yang memperlihatkan kejayaan masyarakat Sikh di negara ini

Utusan Malaysia, 26/10/2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Manmohan proud of Indians in Malaysia

Impressed: Darshan chatting with Manmohan at the prime minister’s office in New Delhi during his visit to India early this year. — Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is set to witness a progressive Indian diaspora in the country.

His launch of Little India in Brickfields, here, with his Malaysian counterpart Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is a recognition accorded to Malaysians of Indian origin.

Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GerakSikh) president Tan Sri G. Darshan Singh, who earlier this year handed over to Manmo­han in New Delhi his book entitled Sikh Community of Malaysia, said the Indian Prime Minister was impressed with Malaysia and the Indians there.

He said Manmohan took great interest to find out about Sikhs and other Indians in Malaysia, and was pleased with Malaysia’s achievements and the Sikh community’s contribution to the country.

The Sikhs welcomed Manmohan’s visit as it was timely and meaningful, Darshan said, adding that it would help cement bonds between the two countries.

“The Sikhs here are proud that a member of their community is leading the world’s biggest democracy,” said Darshan, referring to Man­mohan whom the Time magazine listed as among the world’s 100 most influential people in 2010.

On the honour given to the Indian Prime Minister to launch Little India with Najib, Darshan said it acknowledged the contribution of the people from the Indian sub-continent who made Malaysia their home. — Bernama

Courtesy, The STAR, 25/10/2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sikhs in Malaysia eagerly await Singh's Visit

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's three-day visit from Tuesday is being eagerly awaited not only by Malaysian government but also its minority ethnic Indian community, especially the Sikhs who have applauded his contribution to India's fast-paced growth. The Sikh community is "very, very proud" that a Sikh has risen and become the Prime Minister of India, one of the biggest democracies of the world, a prominent Malaysian Sikh leader said referring to Singh's upcoming visit here.

"We, the Sikhs in Malaysia, are so proud that Manmohan Singh has turned India around at such a fast pace and put the country on the path of accelerated development," President of the Malaysia National Sikhs Movement, Darshan Singh Gill, a fifth generation Sikh in Malaysia whose great-great grandfather arrived in the then Malaya in 1880s,said.

Gill, who has been awarded the title 'Tan Sri' by the King of Malaysia, said he had met Manmohan Singh during his visit to Delhi earlier this year when he had presented him with a book on Sikh Community in Malaysia, compiled by him.

"Our 15 minutes meeting stretched to 30 minutes and most of the time we spoke in Punjabi," he recalled fondly.

At the national level in Malaysia, there are only five Sikhs who have been bestowed the award of Tan Sri, with Gill being one of them.

The Sikhs arrived in Malaysia over five phases, beginning from mid 19th century to 1990s, and the first Gurudwara was set up by Sikh policemen in Fort Cornwallis in Penang State in 1881.

Gill said it was interesting to note that the Sikh community in Malaysia had one time virtually monopolised the transport system before the introduction of lorry and train services. The Sikhs provided transport in the tin mining areas using bullock carts.

Ethnic Indians compose eight per cent of Malaysia's total population of 27 million people. Sikhs are only 0.001 per cent of the 27 million people.

A majority of ethnic Indians are Tamils from Tamil Nadu, whose ancestors were brought by the British to work in plantations as indentured labourers.

The Hindustan Times, 24/10/2010

Perdana Menteri India, Dr. Manmohan Singh Bangga dengan Masyarakat India di Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Perdana Menteri India, Manmohan Singh yang dijadual melakukan lawatan dua hari ke Malaysia bermula Selasa ini akan menyaksikan sebuah masyarakat India yang progresif di negara ini.

Semasa lawatan itu, Manmohan juga akan menyaksikan pengiktirafan yang diberikepada rakyat Malaysia keturunan India apabila beliau merasmikan 'Little India'di Brickfields bersama rakan sejawatan di Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Manmohan tahu yang masyarakat India di Malaysia berkembang maju seiring dengan masyarakat lain, terima kasih kepada mereka seperti Tan Sri G.Darshan Singh yang membantu menonjolkan pencapaian serta sumbangan mereka dengan asal-usul dari benua kecil India di Malaysia.

Presiden Pergerakan Kebangsaan Sikh Malaysia (GERAKSIKH) itu yang pada tahunlepas secara peribadi menyampaikan buku nukilan beliau kepada Manmohan di NewDelhi bertajuk "Sikh Community of Malaysia" (Masyarakat Sikh di Malaysia) memberitahu Bernama bahawa perdana menteri itu kagum dengan Malaysia dan masyarakat Indianya.

"Beliau sangat berminat untuk mengetahui lanjut akan masyarakat Sikh dan masyarakat India yang lain di Malaysia dan sehinggakan bertanya mengenai Gurdwara masyarakat Sikh serta aktiviti kebudayaan mereka.

"Beliau kagum dengan pencapaian Malaysia serta sumbangan masyarakat Sikh kepada negara.

"Apabila saya memaklumkannya yang asal-usul saya juga dari India, iaitu Punjab seperti beliau tetapi kini rakyat Malaysia, beliau menunjukkan reaksi gembira," kata Darshan Singh yang menambah kata di sepanjang pertemuan selama 30 minit itu mereka bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa ibunda mereka Punjabi.

Semasa pertemuan itu Darshan Singh, yang diiringi Setiausaha Agung GERAKSIKH Datuk Amarjit Singh, juga mendapati Manmohan yang lembut tutur katanya itu, juga berpengetahuan tinggi serta berwawasan.

"Kaum Sikh menyambut baik kedatangan Manmohan dan lawatan ini adalah tepatpada masa dan penuh bermakna. Ia akan membantu memeterai ikatan antara India danMalaysia serta rakyat kedua-dua negara.

"Masyarakat Sikh di sini bangga yang seorang daripada anggota masyarakat mereka menerajui demokrasi terbesar di dunia," kata Darshan Singh merujuk kepada Manmohan yang disenaraikan majalah TIME sebagai antara 100 orang paling berpengaruh di dunia pada 2010.

Mengenai penghormatan yang diberi kepada Manmohan untuk merasmikan 'Little India' bersama Najib, Darshan Singh berkata ia merupakan pengiktirafan sumbangan mereka dari benua kecil India ini yang kini merupakan rakyat Malaysia dan membuktikan lagi hakikat yang mereka kini sebahagian daripada keluarga besar Malaysia.

Ia juga mengiktiraf kuasa ekonomi yang terus meningkat dalam kalangan masyarakat India di sini dan peluang yang luas terbuka bagi mereka yang sanggup berusaha gigih. - BERNAMA

Indian PM proud of Indians in Malaysia

By Ravichandran D. J. Paul

KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday 23 October 2010 (Bernama) -- Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, scheduled to make a two-day visit to Malaysia beginning Tuesday, is set to witness a progressive Indian diaspora in the country.

During the visit, he will witness the recognition accorded to Malaysians of Indian origin when he launches `Little India' in Brickfields, with his Malaysian counterpart, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GerakSikh) president Tan Sri G. Darshan Singh, who last year handed over to Manmohan in New Delhi, his book entitled 'Sikh Community of Malaysia', said the Indian prime minister was impressed with Malaysia and the Indians there.

He told Bernama in an interview that Manmohan took great interest to find out about Sikhs and other Indians in Malaysia, was pleased with Malaysia's achievements and the Sikh community's contribution to the country.

The Sikhs welcomed Manmohan's visit as it was timely and meaningful, he said, adding that it would help cement the bond between the two countries.

"The Sikhs here are proud that a member of their community is leading the world's biggest democracy," said Darshan, referring to Manmohan whom the TIME magazine listed as among the world's 100 most influential people in 2010.

On the honour given to the Indian prime minister to launch `Little India' with Najib, Darshan said it acknowledged the contribution of the people from the Indian sub-continent who made Malaysia their home.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Census Malaysia 2010 - 6/7/2010. Information for All Malaysian Sikhs

Census Day is 6th July 2010!!!

Be sure to respond and provide the info whenever the enumerator makes his/her visit.
The enumerators will visit all living quarters in the country between 6th July and 22 August 2010

...To ensure that accurate information is obtained on Malaysian Sikhs, please take note of the following:-

The fields under Kumpulan Ethnik (Ethnic Group) for INDIA are:-

Indian Muslim / Malabari
Punjabi except Sikh
Sikh ✔
Tamil India
Tamil Sri Lanka

Please mark INDIA : SIKH

The fields under Agama (Religion) are:-
Sikhism ✔
Agama Tradisi Orang China
No Religion
Other Religion (to be specified)
Please mark SIKHISM

This will enable the Government to see and also for us to know the number of Sikhs we have in Malaysia.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010



Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh Gill,
Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) &
All Central Committee Members

Letters in support of Vaisakhi be made a National Holiday

I REFER to the request by Malaysia National Sikh Movement president Tan Sri Darshan Singh and DAP chairman Karpal Singh to declare Vaisakhi a public holiday “Sikhs want national Vaisakhi holiday,” (The Star, April 8).

The over 200,000 Sikhs may be a minority, but they are visible in almost every activity in the country.

The stories of the armed forces and police are incomplete without the mention of the Sikhs.

They were the pioneer policemen in the country and later on played a major role in ensuring peace and security of the nation.

The later generations of mainly lawyers, doctors, engineers and other professionals continued to make significant contributions to the nation.

They also had some outstanding sportsmen who excelled in track and games.

Even from the early days we heard names like Nashatar Singh, Dilbargh Singh Kler and Santokh Singh who made the nation proud at local and international sports meets.

A community that has done so much should be given some acknowledgment.

In 2008, the Government appointed a senator from among the Sikhs in recognition of their contributions and to give them some political representation.

This gesture alone will not embrace the collective emotional, cultural and spiritual sentiments of a community for a long time.

If a religious or culturally significant day is made a holiday, it has considerable effect and meaning to any community.


STAR - Letter section - 13/4/2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

GERAKSIKH requests Government to declare Vaisakhi a National Holiday

PETALING JAYA: Two prominent Sikhs have asked that Vaisakhi Day be made a national holiday.

Malaysia National Sikhs Movement president (GERAKSIKH) Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh and DAP chairman Karpal Singh said such a move would reflect the government’s commitment to recognise all communities equally. This year, Sikhs will celebrate Vaisakhi on Wednesday which coincides with the Tamil new year.

“The Sikhs who arrived earlier in this country served in the security forces and have contributed towards the economic development of Malaysia,” Darshan said in a statement.

Karpal said Vai-sakhi was of considerable significance to Sikhs and the event should be given due consideration by the government.

“Various calls have been made in the past for the government to declare the Hindu and Vaisakhi as national holiday but there has yet to be any positive response,” he said.

He added that if the Government would not declare the Tamil New Year and Vaisakhi a national holiday, he planned to call upon the Pakatan-ruled Penang and Selangor State governments to do so
- STAR, 8/4/2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

GERAKSIKH President, Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill named and receives BrandLaurette Brand Personality Award 2010

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) President, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh Gill was named and awarded the BrandLaureate Brand Personality Awards for his outstanding contribution towards Malaysia in all aspects.

This award given during the BrandLaureate Awards 2009-2010 gala dinner, which was attended by over 900 guests on 26 March, 2010 at Shangrila Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Tan Sri Darshan Singh who is a lawyer by profession and former President of Asian Cycling Confederation said that he was honoured to have received this Award of Branding.

Organised by The Asia Pacific Brands Foundation, the BrandLaureate Awards 2009-2010, which has the theme Your Brand, the Masterpiece, recognises the best brands from Malaysia and the Asia Pacific.

Others who received the Brand Personality Awards were Sunway Group Bhd founder and chairman Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah and Universiti Malaya pro-chancellor and IJN Foundation chairman Toh Puan Dr Aishah Ong. Berjaya Corp Bhd chairman and chief executive officer Tan Sri Vincent Tan and Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing were named The BrandLaureate Entrepreneur of the Year Award and The BrandLaureate CEO of the Year Award respectively.

The Award was presented by Datuk Seri Idris Jala, Minister in the Prime Ministers Department.

BrandLaureate chief executive officer Dr K.K. Johan reiterated the need for organisations to develop their brands to be masterpieces.

“For Malaysia to stay ahead of the competition and be a developed country, we need make quantum leaps and create masterpieces of whatever that we are doing,” he said.

He said masterpieces were not created overnight and the same could be said of great brands. “They go through a series of branding processes before they can reach the pinnacle of success,” he said. He pointed out that brands must also exude positive energy to connect with the target audience.

“It is not enough to create brand awareness and to have a positive brand image but we must be able to create positive brand experiences for the consumers so much so that consumers aspire to own the brand and identify with it,” he said.

He said brands must be able to move on with times and be dynamic enough to keep up with times – be innovative, relevant and functional and to meet the changing trends and lifestyles of the consumers

Prime Minister of Malaysia At National-Level Vasakhi Celebration In Ipoh, Malaysia On April 23, 2010

IPOH, March 24 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will grace the Vasakhi celebration, held at the national level for the first time, at the Indera Mulia Stadium, here, on April 23, 2010.

Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said the one-day celebration was expected to be attended by about 20,000 people, especially from the Sikh community.

"The state government with the cooperation of the Prime Minister's Office agreed that Vasakhi Day be celebrated at the national level for the first time, as a one-day carnival,".

"Although members of the Sikh community in Perak number only 28,000, their support and contribution to the state and nation's development is important," he said.

Zambry said the state government had allocated RM500,000 from this year's budget for the Sikh community to organise activities.

Vasakhi is celebrated by the Sikh community the world over to commemorate the establishment of the Khalsa in 1699 by the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. It also marks the beginning of the Sikh new year, besides being celebrated as a harvest festival in the Punjab region.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

GERAKSIKH President & Secretary General granted Audience with Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh at PM's Residence in New Delhi

(L-R) One for the album: Puan Sri Suveender Kaur, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh, Dr. Manmohan Singh and Dato' Amarjit Singh Gill

In discussion: Tan Sri Darshan Singh together with Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh

Presentation of 'Sikh Community in Malaysia' to Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India

Dr. Manmohan Singh admiring the Coffee Table Book, Sikh Community in Malaysia with Tan Sri Darshan Singh and Dato' Amarjit Singh Gill (centre)

President of GERAKSIKH, Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill and Secretary General of GERAKSIKH, Dato' Amarjit Singh Gill was granted an audience with the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh at the Official Residence of PM in New Delhi on 8/1/2010. Also present was Puan Sri Suveender Kaur.

During the 20 minutes meeting, various topics were discussed including the successes of Malaysian Sikhs. The Prime Minister was happy to hear the contribution of Malaysian Sikhs towards the development of Malaysia.

Tan Sri Darshan Singh thereafter presented a Coffee Table Book, entitled Sikh Community in Malaysia which is a very first of its kind in this region to cover the history, the belief, religion, diaspora, culture, traditions, festivals, contributions , growth and recognition of the Sikh Community in Malaysia. The book illustrates how the Sikh Community have played its role in the development of the young growing nation called Malaysia.

Manmohan Singh was certainly impressed with the said book.

Tan Sri Darshan: Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh Impressed by Malaysian Sikhs Success

NEW DELHI, Jan 9 (Bernama) -- Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh was impressed with the Malaysian Sikh community's social and economic success, said Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) President Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill.

He said the premier was happy over the contribution of Sikhs towards the development of Malaysia.

Earlier, Darshan presented a coffee-table book which he had authored, and titled 'Sikh Community in Malaysia', to Manmohan at his residence in New Delhi where the former attended the eighth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas conclave.


Perdana Menteri India, Dr. Manmohan Singh Kagum Dengan Kaum Sikh di Malaysia

Oleh P.Vijian

NEW DELHI, 9 Jan (Bernama) -- Perdana Menteri India, Dr. Manmohan Singh kagum dengan kejayaan yang dicapai dalam bidang sosial dan ekonomi oleh masyarakat keturunan Sikh yang berjumlah kira-kira 100,000 orang di Malaysia.

Presiden Pergerakan Kebangsaan Sikh Malaysia (GERAKSIKH) Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill berkata Perdana Menteri itu memuji pencapaian dan sumbangan masyarakat itu di Malaysia.

Darshan bersama Setiausaha Agong, GERAKSIKH, Datuk Amarjit Singh Gill, menyampaikan sebuah buku bertajuk 'Sikh Community in Malaysia' kepada Manmohan di kediamannya di New Delhi.

"Perdana Menteri itu berkata Malaysia dan India berkongsi banyak persamaan, sebuah masyarakat pelbagai budaya," kata Darshan kepada Bernama ketika menghadiri Persidangan Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Kelapan di sini.

Buku bergambar setebal 266 muka surat tulisan Darshan mengisahkan sejarah kemasukan kaum itu sebagai anggota pasukan keselamatan semasa pemerintahan British, kepercayaan agama, budaya dan sumbangan mereka kepada Malaysia.


GERAKSIKH President meets with Punjab Deputy Chief Minister, Sukhbir Singh Badal for a dialogue

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Darshan Singh Gill (left) with Sukhbir Singh Badal

New Delhi, 9 Jan - Tan Sri Dato' Seri G. Darshan Singh met with Punjab Deputy Chief Minister, Sukhbir Singh Badal in Vigyan Bhawan at New Delhi, India today.

Darshan, who is the President of Malaysia National Sikhs Movement (GERAKSIKH) among others expressed his strong sentiments on the predictament of Young Sikh men from Punjab who come to Malaysia and finally getting stranded without any money with them to feed themselves.

Sardar Sukhbir Singh Badal, took the issue seriously and said that he will get his Ministers to look into laws to make sure that genuine employment agents are used for those seeking to come to Malaysia and work.

During the said discussion, Tan Sri Darshan Singh, who is a lawyer by profession also presented a Coffee Table Book, entitled Sikh Community in Malaysia to Sardar Badal Ji. This 266 full colour book was launched in June, 2009 by HRH Sultan Azlan Shah and is published by MPH Group.

Tan Sri Darshan Singh Gill presenting the Coffee Table Book, Sikh Community in Malaysia to Sukhbir Singh Badal. In the centre is Minister, Sewa Singh